SandRose Reviews

By Basmah Alotaibi and Faisal Al Hunaidi, Associate Editors SandRose Magazine 

Welcome to this edition of SandRose Reviews! We are thrilled to bring you a captivating assortment of media that delves into the intricacies of human energy. From the challenges of time management to profound stoic teachings, we have curated a diverse selection for your exploration. Whether you prefer to immerse yourself in a book, documentary, or podcast, we guarantee you will gain valuable insights and unique perspectives. Take a look at our handpicked recommendations below!

We invite you, our valued readers, to participate in our “Recs from Our Readers” segment. If you have a recommendation you’d like to share, please send it to SandRose for the opportunity to be featured in our future editions!


Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals

by Oliver Burkeman

“What if we stopped trying to do everything?”

Almost all of us have experienced the sensation of being overwhelmed with our long list of to-do’s in hopes of obtaining a more meaningful life. Time management is one of the most crucial skills to guarantee such a life. However, the main question is how can we optimize our short time on this earth with an average human lifespan of about four thousand weeks! 

Unlike other productivity books, this book indulges the realization that our time is limited and we can’t possibly do everything, so what if we stopped? Burkeman takes you on a comforting journey by sharing his experience of being a productivity geek trying to do everything. The author’s philosophy is structured around acceptance of our finitude and limitations rather than denying it. It’s an uplifting and empowering take on a more realistic exploration of our daily quests. By doing so we can embrace our true potential by narrowing our focus on what truly matters without over stimulating our mental health. 

If you enjoyed Four Thousand Weeks, you’d enjoy Stolen Focus.


“The ocean is not separate from us; we are all connected to the ocean.” 

The world of coral reefs has always been a mysterious domain that only divers can explore, seeking its beauty and complexity. These reefs serve as nurseries for marine life, with about a quarter of all underwater creatures relying on them for survival. Over a billion people depend on coral reefs for nutrients and oxygen. The documentary reflects on the future of these thriving organisms and features discussions with scientists to better understand the causes of coral bleaching.

Take a dip in this remarkable journey and join the filmmakers of Chasing Coral as they explore underwater wonders worldwide. Chasing Coral pays homage to the beauty and delicacy of our planet’s coral reefs. The filmmakers hope to induce curiosity and an incessant call to action in the current generation because good passion means good work, which will improve the world.

If you liked “Chasing Coral,” make sure not to miss out on “Chasing Ice.”

Chasing Coral (2017)


Daily Stoic

“The good things in life cost what they cost. The unnecessary things are not worth it at any price. The key is being aware of the difference.”

The Daily Stoic podcast, hosted by Ryan Holiday, integrates snippets of Stoic wisdom into our daily lives. With a deep understanding of complex philosophical concepts, Holiday guides listeners through themes of gratitude and self-improvement, offering valuable perspectives.

Holiday, the author of Ego is the Enemy, encourages us to examine our beliefs and behaviors while embracing virtues critically. The podcast regularly features guest interviews that provide diverse insights into the application of Stoicism in our modern real-world situations. These conversations enrich our comprehension of Stoic philosophy and its relevance, fostering personal growth and introspection.

Ryan Holiday’s talent for distilling ancient wisdom into actionable daily advice and the podcast’s superb production quality and thought-provoking guest interviews make it an essential listen for anyone seeking a more purposeful and virtuous life.

If you found Daily Stoic enjoyable, make sure to check out Stoic Meditations by Massimo Pigliucci for another insightful listening experience.



Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

by Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace

“Failure isn’t a necessary evil. It is not the opposite of success. It is a necessary consequence of doing something new.”

Creativity Inc. by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace is a compelling and illuminating book covering the innovation world. Drawing from his experience as the co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios, Catmull shares insights on fostering ingenuity within organizations.

Catmull takes readers on an adventure through the remarkable rise of Pixar and its creative process. He openly discusses the challenges encountered along the way, emphasizing the importance of building a culture that nurtures and embraces creativity. Pixar’s co-founder also explores how learning from mistakes and cultivating a safe environment for risk-taking can lead to breakthrough innovations. 

Creativity Inc. is a thought-provoking read that inspires and empowers individuals to stimulate creativity within themselves and their organizations. Ed Catmull’s expertise and candid storytelling make this book an invaluable resource for anyone passionate about unlocking the true potential of creativity and innovation.

If Creativity, Inc. piqued your interest, Start with Why by Simon Sinek is next on your thoughtful reads!


Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware, directed by Scotty Allen, examines the “Silicon Valley of Hardware” city for its revolutionary hardware-prototyping culture and unique manufacturing ecosystems. The tech hub’s bustling streets, relentless energy, and entrepreneurial spirit permeate the city of Shenzhen. 

The storytelling of the people behind the products allows us to witness entrepreneurs’ voyages from conceptualizing to product development, shedding light on their challenges and triumphs. The film provides interviews with locals and foreigners, from makers and engineers to industry leaders; we gain insights into the rapid evolution of hardware technology and its high regard for an open-source philosophy impacting global innovation. 

Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware captures the vibrant culture and spirit of innovation that defines Shenzhen today, a must-watch for those interested in the boundless potential of human ingenuity.

If you enjoyed “Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware”, give “Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI” a watch.

Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware (2016)


Thmanyah: Eight Questions

Eight questions is a fascinating youtube series produced by Thmanyah to interview people of various backgrounds addressing misconceptions and stereotypes they face regularly. These interviews are a great way to widen our perspective on jobs we rarely know about or need to expand our understanding of. Eight Questions is a growing series that provides a diverse and inclusive environment which is accessible to explore on the go.

One of the episodes hosts a consultant neurosurgeon that responds to the eight questions on how his critical job is viewed. Considering that the brain is the most complex and precious organ in the human body, a number of questions arise when thinking of this particular job. For example, Is it possible to lose memory after having surgery? What about gaining new skills or talents? Delving into this interesting interview will respond to these questions and more. 

Thmanyah is a great source of many great shows and pieces of work that delivers special and meaningful content. This makes Eight questions a marvelous pool of knowledge to dive into.


Recommendations from our Readers

We are thrilled to share a delightful collection of media submissions from the SandRose community. Immerse yourself in this edition’s remarkable reader selections, available for your enjoyment below!


The Power of Charm By Brian Tracy & Ron Arden

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Basem Alshoura

Petroleum Engineer

It’s well-known that people should not judge a book by its cover, but The Power of Charm is one of the few books that defy this famous adage. In this book, you realize how the small details of your daily interactions with people can affect how you are perceived, from how you sit to how you shift your eyes when speaking to someone; Brian Tracy and Ron Arden give a detailed qualitative and quantitative approach to how someone can become more charming across their social sphere. It is truly fascinating how such minute details can make a difference to friends, family, and strangers alike. I’m pleased that I trusted my first impression of this book, as it is the resource you need to develop your communication abilities to the fullest.


Who Made These Circles in the Sahara? (2022)

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Nawaf AlGhamdi

Assistant Engineer

Who Made These Circles in the Sahara? is a captivating documentary by Vox that delves into the mystery of the vast uniform circles spanning central Algeria. The short film seamlessly unravels the enigma surrounding these seemingly random formations through mesmerizing satellite imagery and enlightening interviews with experts. The combination of compelling visuals and insightful analysis allows viewers to embark on a mesmerizing journey of discovery, leaving them spellbound by the intricate origins and significance of these mysterious circles in the Sahara.


Finjan Thmanyah: Mental Health at the Workplace

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Zahrah Marhoon

Petroleum Engineer

The latest episode of “Finjan Thmanyah” podcast in Arabic explores workplace psychology in Saudi Arabia, providing practical advice and insightful perspectives on enhancing mental health at work. The discussion also sheds light on cultural and societal factors that impact job satisfaction. Overall, this engaging episode is an excellent resource for anyone looking to thrive in their work environment.


Stoner By John Edward Williams

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Amjaad AlMakki

Petroleum Engineer

This book talks about Stoner, who is a ridiculously un-spectacular character. I was so hooked by the fact that nothing special or tempting occurred in the first three lines of its introduction. No poetic entries or sudden question marks forced me to continue reading, looking for a point of astonishment. No matter how many pages I turned, nothing was extraordinary, yet I couldn’t stop reading it. By then, I was simply so attracted to the domestic and warm hints of his ordinary life. It was more of a long, intimate chat with an old friend than of a novel, which made me reluctant to neither stop the conversation nor close the book.


Mind Field

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Abdulrahman Tayar

Petroleum Engineer

Mind Field is a captivating and thought-provoking web series that explores various aspects of human behavior and neuroscience. Presented by Michael Stevens, the show delves into topics such as perception, memory, and consciousness through a combination of scientific experiments and interviews. The series offers insights into the mysteries of the human mind that are both fascinating and enlightening. If you have an interest in psychology, neuroscience, or human behavior, Mind Field is definitely worth checking out, as it will leave you with a greater appreciation for the complexity and wonder of the human brain.


Cosmic Chronicles: Unveiling the Wonders of Space

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Hatim Tarter

Petroleum Engineer

Prepare to embark on an awe-inspiring journey through the depths of space with “Cosmic Chronicles,” a captivating podcast that explores the mysteries of the universe like black holes, life in space, and exoplanets. Dr. Sanders has a remarkable ability to make complex astrophysical concepts accessible and engaging through this podcast. What sets “Cosmic Chronicles” apart is its human perspective in this wide universe exploration. “Cosmic Chronicles” is a treasure trove of knowledge that fuels curiosity and ignites the imagination. Dr. Amelia Sanders and her team have created a podcast that educates, entertains, and inspires the listeners.